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Hallux Valgus

Hallux Valgus

(8 produkter)
Hallux valgus er den mest almindelige fodlidelse hos voksne. Den er lidt mere almindelig hos kvinder end hos mænd. Hallux valgus betyder, at storetåen er skæv. Enden af storetåen presses mod den anden tå, og nogle gange er de overlappende med 2. tå oven på storetåen. Samtidig bliver leddet mellem første mellemfodsknogle og storetåen vinklet indad, hvilket gør forfoden bredere. Det giver smerter og er heller ikke kosmetisk pænt. En negativ bivirkning af hallux valgus kan også være udvikling af slidgigt i storetåens grundled, hvilket resulterer i en stiv og smertefuld storetå.

Hvis hallux valgus er alvorlig, kan det være nødvendigt at operere. Ved mildere problemer er det tilstrækkeligt med egenomsorg og øvelser, tilpasning af valg af sko og brug af hallux valgus-bandager, der reducerer tryk og smerte. Sportsmart tilbyder en række forskellige produkter, der kan hjælpe med at lindre symptomerne på hallux valgus.
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The cause of hallux valgus is unknown. Narrow and tight shoes have often been blamed, but whether this is the only cause is not known with certainty. However, hallux valgus almost never occurs in barefoot people.

The symptoms can occur both in children and teenagers and in older people.


Often the symptoms are very minor when barefoot, but it is common to experience pain due to pressure from the shoes. This occurs under load and in connection with movement. The pain often increases as the load increases.


Toe spreaders that provide relief by helping the big toe to the correct position and preventing pressure between the toes.

NIGHT SHINERS. Which corrects the big toe to its natural position. The night splint is also suitable for valgus and deformed big toe.

Toe ring. A toe ring protects the toes from rubbing against each other.

Hallux valgus socks... The sock is equipped with a soft splint that helps to straighten Hallux Valgus toes at an early stage. The sock is equipped with small gel dots on the inside so it always stays in the right place.

We also have shoes, soles and running socks that are specially adapted to support and relieve you with hallux valgus problems.

What is Hallux Valgus, and how does it affect the foot?

Hallux valgus is the most common foot condition in adults, characterized by a crooked big toe that presses against the other toes, sometimes causing overlap with the second toe. This condition causes the joint between the first metatarsal and the big toe to angle inward, resulting in a wider forefoot that is often painful and cosmetically displeasing. Long-term effects may include the development of osteoarthritis and a stiff, painful big toe.

What are the treatment options for Hallux Valgus?

For severe cases of hallux valgus, surgery may be necessary. However, for milder issues, options include self-care, exercises, selecting appropriate footwear, and using hallux valgus supports to alleviate pressure and pain. Utilizing products from Sportsmart can help relieve symptoms effectively.

How can Hallux Valgus be recognized?

Hallux valgus symptoms are typically minor when barefoot but can cause pain due to shoe pressure, particularly during movement and under load. The pain often intensifies with increased pressure on the foot.

What types of Hallux Valgus supports are available in the Sportsmart range?

Sportsmart offers various supports, such as toe spreaders to aid correct toe positioning, night splints for realignment during sleep, and toe rings for protection against rubbing. Additionally, hallux valgus socks equipped with a soft splint and gel dots are available, ensuring the toes remain straightened and comfortable. Specially designed shoes, soles, and running socks are also offered to support and relieve hallux valgus symptoms.

Why Choose SPORTSMART for Your Hallux Valgus Support Needs

When it comes to managing hallux valgus, SPORTSMART is your go-to destination for effective and comfortable solutions. Our comprehensive range of hallux valgus support products is designed to address various stages and severities of this common foot condition.

SPORTSMART offers a diverse selection of specialized products to help alleviate the symptoms of hallux valgus. From toe spreaders that gently guide your big toe into the correct position, to night splints that work while you sleep, we have options to suit your lifestyle and needs. Our innovative toe rings and hallux valgus socks provide targeted relief and protection, ensuring comfort throughout the day.

What sets SPORTSMART apart is our holistic approach to foot care. We don't just offer support products; we provide a complete solution for hallux valgus management. Our range includes specially adapted shoes, soles, and running socks, all designed to support and relieve hallux valgus-related discomfort. By choosing SPORTSMART, you're investing in a comprehensive strategy for foot health and comfort.


Årsagen til hallux valgus er ukendt. Smalle og stramme sko får ofte skylden, men om det er den eneste årsag, ved man ikke med sikkerhed. Hallux valgus forekommer dog næsten aldrig hos barfodede mennesker.

Symptomerne kan forekomme både hos børn og teenagere og hos ældre mennesker.


Ofte er symptomerne meget små, når man er barfodet, men det er almindeligt at opleve smerter på grund af tryk fra skoene. Det sker under belastning og i forbindelse med bevægelse. Smerterne tiltager ofte i takt med, at belastningen øges.


Tåspredere, der aflaster ved at hjælpe storetåen til den rigtige position og forhindre tryk mellem tæerne.

NIGHT SHINERS. Som korrigerer storetåen til dens naturlige position. Natskinnen er også velegnet til valgus og deformeret storetå.

Tåring. En tåring beskytter tæerne mod at gnide mod hinanden.

Hallux valgus-strømper... Strømpen er udstyret med en blød skinne, der hjælper med at rette Hallux Valgus-tæer ud på et tidligt tidspunkt. Strømpen er udstyret med små gelprikker på indersiden, så den altid bliver på det rigtige sted.

Vi har også sko, såler og løbestrømper, der er specielt tilpasset til at støtte og aflaste dig med hallux valgus-problemer.

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